Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about both Telepedia as a brand, and as a Platform.
Who owns the Telepedia Platform?
- The Platform is ran by Telepedia Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales.
What version of MediaWiki is Telepedia running?
- We are running MediaWiki 1.41, and will update when the next LTS version is released. This is expected to be 1.43 in December 2024 -- this is not confirmed, however, and is dependent on the Wikimedia Foundation releasing 1.43 in December.
What customisation is available?
- You may customise the interface freely, as to not interrupt the normal function of users, and advertisements on the platform; see Customisation Policy. You may customise the extensions, permissions, and user groups on your wiki as freely as you wish via ManageWiki.
I want to start a wiki, how?
- Request a wiki at Special:RequestWiki
What extensions are available on Telepedia?
- We have a wide variety of extensions. Some are detailed on Extensions, whilst more can be added to ManageWiki on request.