
From Telepedia Meta Wiki, Telepedia's central hub

This is a current list of all of the extensions available on the Telepedia Platform. Extensions are sorted by those that are globally enabled, and those that are available for activation by local administrators, or those that may be enabled on specific wikis but not other wikis. Please note that this list is under continuous development and extensions will be added and removed from here when they are either added or removed.

This list is currently under development as new extensions are added as part of the default set. Users are free to request extensions to be added at any time if they are not present on this list, or if they think they would be beneficial to the Platform. You can find a full list of all the extensions that we currently have in our GitHub repository, here. Please note that an extension may appear in the GitHub repository but might not be available in ManageWiki. We are continuously adding extensions to ManageWiki, so please feel free to ask if there is an extension in the repository that is not found in ManageWiki.

Global Extensions

  • AWS — stores all media uploaded to Telepedia and sitemaps in Amazon S3.
  • CentralAuth — this provides the global account functionality for the platform, and allows users to use one account across all wikis.
  • Cite — allows for citing using the <ref></ref> tags.
  • ConfirmEdit — provides captcha's through Cloudflare to combat spam and vandalism.
  • CreateWiki — a forked version of Miraheze's extension that allows for creating wikis.
  • DiscordNotifications — relays edits and other actions to Discord.
  • Echo — provides a notification system for the Platform.
  • GlobalPreferences — allows users to share their preferences across more than one wiki, but also allows for local exceptions.
  • GlobalUserPage — allows users to share their user page across more than one wiki, but also allows for local exceptions.
  • Interwiki — allows for easier management of interwiki links between wikis (both on the platform and off).
  • ManageWiki — a fork of the Miraheze extension, ManageWiki, that allows for admins to manage certain aspects of their wiki and enable extensions/namespaces.
  • MobileFrontEnd — allows for better mobile compatability on wikis with better tools for editing. Can be disabled.
  • NativeSvgHandler — generates SVG's on the go.
  • OAuth — allows usage of OAuth for API authorization.
  • OATHAuth — allows for two-factor authentication.
  • WikiEditor — one of the default editors for MediaWiki.
  • TelepediaAds — our advertisement solution.
  • TelepediaMagic — helpful functions and otherwise for the Platform.
  • SEO — SEO tweaks to produce JSON data that is readable by search engines.
  • RemoveRedlinks — removes red links for unregistered users and prevents search engines from getting 404's.
  • ProtectSite —allows Telepedia Staff to lock down a wiki.
  • ImportDump — allows the requesting of import dumps that are too large to be handled by Special:Import.
  • Scribunto — provides Lua support for wikis.
  • RedisCache — provides an easier way to interact with Redis.

Enableable Extensions

These extensions can be enabled by admins on a per-wiki basis. A full list of extensions is available in our GitHub repository in the extensions folder. Some may not be in ManageWiki but can be added at the request of users.

Extensions available on Request

Extension we will not support

There are several extensions that we will not support, or cannot due to bug reports or security incidents. Generally, where we cannot offer these extensions, there will be an alternative.

Requesting an extension

If you find an extension that you would like on your wiki, or that your wiki requires, you can request this to be added to ManageWiki. This would allow you to enable the extension on your wiki. To do this, please file a ticket on Phabricator, with the required extension(s). This will then be evaluated to see if it is a fit for the Platform and if so, it will be added.

At this time, extensions have been added when they are needed, so some extensions that have not been utilised may not have been added; this is not because we will not support them, it is just because we haven't needed them yet.